Inside the Mind of the Holocaust Museum Shooter

Amazingly, the same madman walked into the Federal Reserve with a shotgun in 1983, determined to "arrest" the Jews who he was convinced control world banking. That incident landed him in federal prison for 6 1/2 years.
Von Brunn is a good, old-fashined race hater and Holocaust denier. The judge who sentenced him? A Jew. The jury who found him guilty? Jews and Negroes. In the mind of a messianic whack job who's convinced of his own conspiracy theories, no jury should have convicted him, because he was saving the white race.
While it's still online, take a peek into the mind of someone who sees conspiracies everywhere. His website is here, at It advertises his book, "Kill The Best Gentiles," descripbed as
A new, hard-hitting exposé of the JEW CONSPIRACY to destroy the White gene-pool by James W. von Brunn.
Here are 350pp of FACTS condensing libraries of information about the Talmud, Democracy, Marx, Genetics, Money, Aryans, Negroes, Khazars, The Holy Bible, Treason, Mass-media, Mendelism, Race, the “Holocaust” and a host of suppressed “bigoted” subjects, all supported by quotations from many of history’s greatest personages. Learn who is responsible for the millions of Aryan crosses covering the world’s battlefields. Why our sons and daughters died bravely but in vain. Learn why the “browning of America will alter everything in society from politics and education to industry, values and culture.” (TIME 4-9-90).
Learn who has committed treason - and must be brought to justice! This carefully documented treatise exposes the JEWS and explains what you must do to protect your White family...
In his bio, he describes himself: "During WWII he served as PT-Boat captain, Lt. USNR, receiving a Commendation and four battle stars. For twenty years he was an advertising executive and film-producer in New York City. He is a member of Mensa, the high-IQ society."
Proving that even a genius can be a certifiable madman.
Assuming that his claims about his background are true.
They seem to get truer by the day.
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