National Review Online - "The Corner"

National Review Online has a running editorial blog called "The Corner", where the regular editors and contributors to the biweekly conservative magazine post their daily and hourly observations, as the news may dictate.
Last week they announced that they were hunting recommendations for a logo for the top of the web page. My submission is featured this week.
When asked what my inspiration was for the design, I quoted Jefferson: "To place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent." It doesn't get much plainer than a "right turn only" sign, with dark clouds to the left, and a brighter future to the right.
Anyway, it will be on their website all this week. It's my little brush with the late William F. Buckley, Jr.
I couldn't figure out why your name was at the top of the column when I logged onto the website. I figured it was some kind of wierd computer glitch. Congratulations.
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